Uniform fruit quality, very attractive appearance, high productivity, not susceptible to alternate bearing, high firmness and good storability. Ripening time Golden Del. +2 days.
Colour: intense red and brilliant colour, yellow-greenish ground colour, slightly striped on the side not facing the sun
Flavour: sweet, with low acidity, aromatic
Shape/size: medium, long shaped
Skin: smooth, no problems with russeting, sunburn or lenticel irritation
Flesh: crispy, juicy, firm
Fengapi (s) is a cross between Gala x Pink Rose.
Vigour: medium, uniform, well-branched
Blossom: early bud burst, mid-early blossom, constant and rich
Pollinators: in testing
Attractive appearance, high percentage of optimal coloured fruits, high and constant productivity, tolerant towards scab.
Colour: Fruit colour comes very early and is much more intensive than on Pinova standard. Overcolour is red/orange, striped to blushed on more than 80% of the fruit. Good colour also on the shadow site of the tree.
Flavour: crispy and juicy, agreeable aroma, very good eating quality
Shape/size: long – conical, middle to large
Skin: smooth, with bright lenticels
Fruit flesh: very firm and juicy
Evelina® ‘Roho 3615’ (s) is a mutation of Pinova (s).
Vigour: medium
Blossom: mid-late season, very rich
Pollination: Elstar, Golden Del., Idared, Pilot
Very interesting new Gala mutation, according to the first observations the harvest time is 14 days before Gala standard.
Colour: intense red, lightly striped
Flavour: sweet, aromatic
Shape/size: medium- large
Skin: smooth
Flesh: crispy, juicy
Gala ‘fensoon'(s) is a mutation of Gala
Vigour: weak to medium
Blossom: mid-late
Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Evereste, Prof. Sprenger
Overcolour: red intensive, and vivid; particularly striped. The overcolour covers in average 80% of the fruit surface. Fruits are uniformly coloured. Gala Venus ‘fengal’(s) A shows a good stability
and is a very typical Gala.
Colour: red vivid, striped.
Flavour: sweet, aromatic.
Shape/size: lightly elongated, medium- large.
Skin: smooth.
Fruit flesh: crispy and juicy.
Gala Venus ‘fengal’(s) A is a mutation of Gala.
Vigour: weak to medium.
Blossom: middle to late.
Pollination: Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Evereste, Prof. Sprenger.
Overcolour is clearly striped, darker red than Gala Venus ‘fengal'(s) A.
Colour: intense red, striped
Flavour: sweet, aromatic
Shape/size: medium- large, elongated
Skin: smooth
Flesh: crispy, juicy
Gala ‘fenstripe'(s) is a mutation of Gala Venus ‘fengal'(s) A
Vigour: weak to medium
Blossom: mid-late
Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Evereste, Prof. Sprenger
Overcolour: red intensive, blushed and lightly striped; the colour is striped at the beginning and uniform at maturity. The colour covers nearly the total surface of fruits. Nevertheless the colour is very intensive.
Gala ‘fendeca‘(s) remains a typical Gala due to very pronounced lenticels and presence of the Gala typical silverfilm. The percentage of overcolour (colour develop- ment) is very high also in areas with difficult of colouring and inside the tree. The colour comes very early (mid of July). Gala ‘fendeca‘(s) differs for its excellent stability. We don’t note reversion, which is normally present on Gala. Colouring of fruits is uniform and stable.
Colour: red vivid.
Flavour: sweet, aromatic.
Shape/size: spherical- elongated.
Skin: smooth.
Fruit flesh:crispy and juicy.
Gala ‘fendeca’(s) is a mutation of Gala
discovered by Alberto Decarli and Reinhard Kaneppele (South Tyrol).
Vigour: weak to medium.
Blossom: middle to late.
Pollination: Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Evereste, Prof. Sprenger.
Overcolour is lightly striped, early colouration, intense and vivid red colour. Uniform fruit size, bigger fruit size than Gala standard.
Colour: intense red vivid, lightly striped
Flavour: sweet, aromatic
Shape/size: medium- large
Skin: smooth
Flesh: crispy, juicy
Gala ‘fenshine'(s) is a mutation ofGala Decarli ‘fendeca'(s)
Vigour: weak to medium
Blossom: mid-late
Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Evereste, Prof. Sprenger
Very early coloration, shiny red colour optimized harvest performed in two passed.
Colour: bold red, blushed, luminous
Flavour: delicate, good, sweet tasting
Shape/size: truncated-conical
Skin: smooth, typical Gala lenticels
Flesh: crispy, juicy
Gala Star® Galafab is a mutation of Gala found 2009 in France.
Vigour: weak to medium
Blossom: mid-late
Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Granny Smith
Very early coloration, bigger fruit size, stable and uniform blushed fruits. Ideal for difficult colouring areas, the percentage of over colour inside the trees is excellent, too.
Colour: blushed, intense red vivid
Flavour: sweet, aromatic
Shape/size: spherical-elongated
Skin: smooth, typical Gala lenticels
Flesh: crispy, juicy
Gala ‘fenplus’(s) is a mutation ofGala.
Vigour: medium-strong
Blossom: mid-late
Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Granny Smith.
Overcolour is blushed, very early and uniform colouration, very good fruit size, according to first observations harvest time is 7-10 days before Gala standard.
Colour: blushed, intense red vivid
Flavour: sweet, aromatic
Shape/size: medium- large
Skin: smooth, typical Gala lenticels
Flesh: crispy, juicy
Gala ‘fenzem1′(s) is a mutation of Gala
Vigour: weak to medium
Blossom: mid-late
Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Evereste, Prof. Sprenger
Elstar Moje variety
moreElstar Moje is an Elstar mutant with a very intense, lively red colour. The fruit colour covers 60-80% of the fruit surface. Elstar Moje also stains inside the tree very safely. Despite its streaking, the mutant has very good colour stability.
Fruit colour: very lively red with intense streaking.
Size: normal and typical for Elstar varieties
Size and shape of the skin: smooth, without russeting.
Elstar Moje is an Elstar mutant, discovered in 2011 in Jens Moje's orchard in the so called “Altes Land” the old country, an area little south of Hamburg.
medium strength with a flat branch base.
Florescence: late, behavior like Elstar
Elstar Elrosa®
morefruit production early and good in terms of quantity.
Harvest: second week of September to late September.
Stockable until the end of April.
Fruit colour: attractive red, better and earlier colouring than other Elstar mutants.
Flavour: excellent.
Skin: smooth fruit skin, not very sensitive to skin stains.
Elstar Elrosa®, an Elstar mutant.
Growth: strong with a strong central axis. Petioles strikingly red.
Florescence: mid-early May, flowers slightly purple.
Pollen quality: good.
Good combination between the excellent quality of the Fuji apple and an attractive appearance of fruits. ‘ROFM 811’ (s) differs for the bright red colour, instead of the lightly violet colour from the original variety Fuji.
Colour: Red striped; stripes are very pronounced and well distributed all over the fruit. ‘ROFM 811’ (s) M colours well under the poor diffused light conditions. Consequently, has very good colour also in unfavourable sites.
Flavour: very sweet, juicy, crisper than on Fuji clones with blushed colour.
Shape/size: round, large.
Skin: smooth, star-shape lenticels.
Fruit flesh: green-white, very firm.
Mutation of Fuji.
Vigour: medium to strong.
Blossom: mid-late season like Golden Del.
Pollinators: Red Delicious, Golden Del., Gala, Granny Smith, Idared.
Rubinfuji® ‘fenfu‘(s) is characterised by high uniformed striped colouring.
Colour: dark-red/purple striped; stripes are very pronounced and well distributed all over the fruit. Very good colour also in unfavourable sites.
Flavour: very sweet, juicy.
Shape/size: round, large.
Skin: smooth, star-shape lenticels.
Fruit flesh: green with, very firm.
Mutation of Fuji
Vigour: medium to strong.
Blossom: mid-late season like Golden Del.
Pollinators: Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Gala, Granny Smith, Idared.
Very early coloration, less alternate bearing, blushed fruits, harvest time before standard Fuji. Ideal for difficult coloring areas, the percentage of over color inside the trees is excellent, too.
Colour: dark- red, blushed
Flavour: very sweet
Shape/size:round, large
Skin: smooth
Flesh: green-white, very firm
Mutation of Fuji
Vigour: medium to strong.
Blossom: mid-late season
Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Granny Smith
Very early colouration, attractive blushed overcolour, gets also good colour under unfavourable conditions, less alternate bearing.
Colour: full coloured cherry red overcolour, blushed
Flavour: very sweet
Shape/size: large, round
Skin: smooth
Flesh: greenish white, very firm
Mutazione della varietà Fuji
Vigour: medium to strong
Blossom: mid-late
Pollinators: Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Idared, Gala, Red Delicious
Scab resistant
Good colouration, scab resistant, very good and constant yields, entering early in production, susceptible to crown rot (interstem grafting necessary).
Colour: yellow-orange ground colour, striped red overcolour, good colouration
Flavour: aromatic, slightly acidic
Shape/size: medium size, round flattened
Skin: smooth, slightly unctuous, susceptible to russet in the stalk cavity
Flesh: firm, fine, juicy
Mutation of Topaz (Rubin x Vanda)
Vigour: medium, compact growth, well-branched
Blossom: mid-early
Pollinators: Florina, Alkmene
Golden Delicious
Golden Delicious ‘Klon B’ LB®
moreHigh and regular yields, early entrance in production, good fertility and fruit size. Light tendency to russet, however good fruit shape and size with consistent and typical lenticels.
Colour: green-yellow, yellow when fully ripe, red cheek is possible
Flavour: aromatic, lightly sour
Shape/size: medium- large, high built
Skin: light tendency to russet
Flesh: yellowish, crispy, juicy
Selection of Golden Klon B, Research Center Laimburg, 1978
Vigour: medium
Blossom: mid-late, good pollinator
Pollinators: Jonathan, Granny Smith, Red Delicious
Red cheek when fully ripe, with good visible and uniform distributed lenticels. Same susceptibility to russeting as Golden Del. clone B, but the flesh is firmer, and the sugar and acidity content is higher.
Colour: green yellowish ground colour, when fully ripe with red cheek
Flavour: sweet-sour, slightly aromatic
Shape/size: medium-big, long shaped
Skin: smooth, good visible lenticels
Flesh: yellowish, firm, crispy, juicy
Mutation of Golden Delicious found in South Tyrol, 1986.
Vigour: medium-strong
Blossom: mid-late, good pollinator
Pollinators: Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Evereste, Prof. Sprenger.
High and regular yields, good fertility, attractive shape and colour. Less sensible to russet than clone B, however lightly smaller fruit size and greener colour.
Colour: pale green, yellow when fully ripe, red cheek is possible
Flavour: aromatic, sweet with low acidity
Shape/size: medium- large
Skin: smooth, lower tendency to russet
Flesh: yellowish, crispy, juicy
Sprout mutation of Golden Delicious, discovered in the USA, 1958.
Vigour: medium, side branches initially grow at open angles
Blossom: mid-late, good pollinator
Pollinators: Jonathan, Granny Smith, Red Delicious
Golden Reinders®
moreDue to its low tendency to russet also suitable to grow under unfavourable conditions. Very smooth skin and attractive shape. Somewhat less productive and greener colour than the other Golden clones. Short harvest window.
Colour: green ground colour, yellow when fully ripe, shadow side remains green, gets its yellow colour later than the other Golden clones
Flavour: aromatic, sweet with very low acidity
Shape/size: medium- large
Skin: smooth, lower tendency to russet
Flesh: yellowish, crispy, juicy
Mutation of Golden Delicious, discovered by Reinders (Netherlands)
Vigour: medium, side branches initially grow at open angles
Blossom: mid-late, good pollinator
Pollinators: Jonathan, Granny Smith, Red Delicious
Red Delicious
Long and good visible ribbed fruit shape, dark red cover colour on the whole surface. Due to the early colouration, from mid of July, less susceptible to sunburn.
Colour: very intensive dark red cover colour on the whole surface
Flavour: high sugar content
Shape/size: medium-big, long shaped, ribbed shape
Skin: thick, smooth
Flesh: green-white, firm, crispy
‘Redkan’ (s) is a direct Mutation of Top Red found in South Tyrol, 1998.
Vigour: very uniform, typical Spur-character
Blossom: mid-early
Pollinators: Golden Del., Granny Smith, Idared, Gala.
Spur character, high and constant yields, early and uniform colouration of the fruit on the whole tree. Very consistent fruit shape with five evident cusps around the calyx. Short within-row spacing recommended.
Colour: very intense red overcolour (100%), striped, slightly blushed
Flavour: very sweet, low acidity
Shape/size: medium- large, built high with very pronounced edges
Skin: smooth, rather thick, many visible, white lenticels
Flesh: greenish white, firm, crispy, juicy
Mutation of Red Chief discovered by Charles R. Sandidge (Washington State)
Vigour: medium, typical Spur character
Blossom: mid-early
Pollinators: Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Idared, Gala, Fuji
Typical spur character, very high yields and early entrance in production. Harvest time slight before the other Red delicious clones. Really good colouration, also under unfavourable conditions.
Colour: full coloured intense red, blushed
Flavour: sweet with low acidity
Shape/size: medium- large, slightly flat
Skin: smooth, rather thick, many visible, white lenticels
Flesh: white, firm, crispy
Mutation of Oregon Spur(r) Trumdor from the Van Well nursery (Washington State)
Vigour:weak to medium, typical Spur character
Pollinators:Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Idared, Gala
Early and homogeneous coloring on the whole tree. About 2-3 weeks earlier than other clones. Harvest time 1 weed before Red Del. Standard, not susceptible to alternate bearing.
Colour:dark red,blushed – slightly striped
Flavour:sweet with low acidity
Shape/size:conical, typical for Red Del.
Flesh:white, firm, crispy
Red Del. RedVelox® Stark Gugger is a mutation of Red Del. Standard.
Blossom:few days before Golden Del.
Pollinators:Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Idared, Gala
Semi-spur character, very dark to black overcolour, gets also good colour under unfavourable conditions.
Colour: very dark and intense red overcolour (100%)
Flavour: sweet, low acidity
Shape/size: medium- large, typical for Red Del.
Skin: smooth, rather thick, many visible, white lenticels
Flesh: greenish white, firm, crispy, juicy
Mutation of Red Del. ‘Hapke’
Vigour: medium, Semi-Spur character
Blossom: mid-early
Pollinators: Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Idared, Gala, Fuji
Other varieties
Intensive red vivid colour with pronounced striped.
Colour: red vivid, striped.
Flavour: sweet-acid, lightly aromatic.
Shape/size: like Braeburn Standard.
Skin: smooth.
Fruit flesh: crispy and juicy.
‘Fenbra’ (s) is a mutation of the variety Braeburn.
Vigour: weak.
Blossom: middle to late.
Pollination: Granny Smith, Red Delicious., Evereste, Prof. Sprenger.
Growth as Breaburn, very vivid red overcolour, slightly striped to partly blushed.
Colour: very vivid red, lightly striped
Flavour: slightly sour, aromatic
Shape/size: medium to large, built high
Skin: smooth
Flesh: crispy, juicy
Breaburn ‘fenhof'(s) is a mutation of Braeburn
Vigour: as Breaburn standard
Blossom: mid-late
Pollinators: Granny Smith, Red Delicious., Evereste, Prof. Sprenger
Granny Smith
moreConstant, middle to high yields, not susceptible to alternate bearing, one pick usually sufficient.
Colour: intense green overcolour, light green to yellow green when fully ripe, sometimes unwanted red cheek
Flavour: high acidity, not very sweet nor aromatic
Shape/size: large, round – conical, built high
Skin: solid, slightly wavy, big bright lenticels
Flesh: white, firm, crispy, very juicy
Chance seedling from Australia, found in 1868 by T. Smith
Vigour: medium
Blossom: mid-early, very good pollinator
Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Idared, Red Delicious
moreVery high and constant yields, early entrance in production, susceptible to mildew, not susceptible to scab, susceptible to autumnal frost.
Colour: green yellowish ground colour, light to dark red overcolour on the side of the fruit facing the sun
Flavour: low sugar content, achieves a good taste only on warm cultivation sites
Shape/size: round, slightly flattened
Skin: smooth, without russet, fine pointed lenticels
Flesh: white, firm, juicy
Cross between Jonathan x Wagner, selected in 1935 in the USA (Idaho)
Vigour: weak to medium
Blossom: mid-early
Pollinators: Granny Smith, Jonathan
Canadian Reinette
moreOld variety with uniform russet, very good aroma, constant yields and good fruit quality.
Colour: green yellowish, possible red blushed cheek
Flavour: very aromatic, sweet, slightly sour
Shape/size: large, round flattened with wide edges
Skin: fine coarse, few large and rusty lenticels, rusty marbled
Flesh: yellowish, medium juicy
Vigour: strong
Blossom: mid-late
Pollinators: Cox Orange, Gloster, Idared, Alkmene
Morgenduft Dallago
moreLarge dark red coloured fruits, bright lenticels, high pack out, to harvest 4 days before Morgenduft standard, susceptible to preharvest fruit fall.
Colour: green yellowish ground colour, luminous dark red overcolour, striped
Flavour: lightly aromatic, moderately sweet
Shape/size: round, slightly flattened
Skin: thick, smooth
Flesh: white, medium firm, juicy
Mutation of Morgenduft discovered in Laives (South Tyrol) in 1970
Vigour: weak and broad
Blossom: mid-late
Pollinators: Cox Orange, Idared
moreTangy taste, high yields, susceptible to alternate bearing, susceptible to preharvest fruit fall.
Colour: green-yellow ground colour, three-quarter of the surface dark red striped
Flavour: aromatic, sweet and sour, unique taste
Shape/size: large, round flattened
Skin: smooth, slightly russet in the eye basin and/or stalk cavity
Flesh: white to cream colour, very juicy
Chance seedling from Verginia (USA)
Vigour: medium
Blossom: middle
Pollinators: Evereste, Prof. Sprenger
Wiltons Star Red Jonaprince Select®
moreEarly colouration, best colour among the Jonagold clones, high and constant yields, early entrance in production, one pick usually sufficient.
Colour: intense dark red overcolour on the whole surface
Flavour: good taste, slightly sweeter than Jonagold
Shape/size: large, round, built high
Skin: smooth
Flesh: crispy, juicy, very firm
Mutation of Jonagold (more precisly of Jonaprince®), discovered at the orchards of the brothers Princen in Weert (Netherlands)
Vigour: quite strong in the beginning, later moderate growth, flat branches
Blossom: mid-late
Pollinators: Granny Smith, Braeburn, Gala, Golden Delicious, Idared, Prof. Sprenger
Early variety, susceptible to scab and mildew
Colour: dark brownish red overcolour (to 60 %)
Flavour: slightly acidic, harmonic taste
Shape/size: medium size, built very high
Skin: smooth, slightly pruinosed
Flesh: moderate firm, fine
Cross between McIntosh x Golden Delicious by the Research Center Summerland in British Columbia (Canada)
Vigour: strong, broad, dense branched
Blossom: mid-early
Pollinators: Alkmene, Berlepsch, Cox Orange
Professor Sprenger
Pollinator, very productive, not susceptible to autumnal frosts, scab resistant, not susceptible to alternate bearing.
Colour: orange reddish
Shape/size: round, diameter between 1,5 and 1,8 cm
Skin: smooth
Flesh: white
Vigour: medium, broad, upstanding, conical crown
Blossom: white, dark pink, mid-late
Pollinator, very productive, undemanding, scab resistant, not susceptible to alternate bearing.
Colour: luminous orange red
Flavour: slightly acidic, harmonic taste
Shape/size: round flattened, small, maximal diameter of 2 cm
Skin: smooth
Flesh: white
Vigour: weak
Blossom: strong bloom, white – pink, mid-late
Under observation:
The company Feno, which is owned by the Fruitplant members, runs its own breeding program producing every year around 1000 seedlings. The most promising crosses of this program are tested based on their cultivation and marketing values in order to estimate their future potential. The variety tests are done in company-owned fields but also in commercial orchards of partner companies. If interested, we like to give you further information and are keen to provide you with test trees of the following varieties.
Fuji x Pinova
Breaburn x Pinova